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Why you should never neglect your sales

Why you should never neglect your sales

Its the lifeblood of any business so why do we often neglect sales? It’s easy to become complacent and rest on your current client base, particularly if you feel like you are at capacity. To not be continually looking for new customers means that you are setting...

Why do I need to do a financial forecast?

Why do I need to do a financial forecast?

Financial planning is a process, not a product. It is the long-term method of wisely managing your finances so you can achieve your goals and dreams, while at the same time negotiating the financial barriers that inevitably arise at every stage along the way. The lack...

Have you filed your self-assessment tax return?

Have you filed your self-assessment tax return?

Completing your self-assessment tax return is a daunting task for many of the 10 million people that are required to do so. If you are one of them, and if you haven’t yet submitted it, you’re running out of time! But there’s no need to panic, yet! Who needs to submit...

The collapse of Carillion

The collapse of Carillion

Carillion may not have been a household name, but it employed 43,000 staff globally, around half of these in the UK. Its recent collapse has put thousands of jobs as well as other companies at risk. It managed the Smart Motorways traffic control system and supplied...

5 Business New year Resolutions for 2018

5 Business New year Resolutions for 2018

It’s that time of year again—you’ve hopefully enjoyed your Christmas break, and now it’s a new year and you’re getting back into the swing of things. Of course, being a business owner, you’re also doing some reflection. How did 2017 go for you? The start of the year...

Small business budget update…

Small business budget update…

As reported last month, whilst the budget confirmed no change to the rate of corporation tax (maintained at 19%), HMRC will be freezing indexation allowances on corporate capital gains for disposals after 1 January 2018. In addition, from April 2018, business rate...

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"I have used Robinson & Co for several years. Prior to this I was doing my own books (rather badly). As my business grew I had less time and needed professional input. Robinson & Co were my first port of call and from the first meeting with Gary I knew I was in good hands."

lan Clark

ICS Tree Services Ltd